What is the right age to start a child in Karate?
There have been some questions at the Dojo about the right age for a child to start karate.At our school, we start our Little Dragons Program with children as young as 2.5 years old. The goal of our Little Dragons program is to build skills that apply both to Karate and school. If your child is willing to go out on the floor and be engaged for even a few minutes at a time, they will be successful students.
Our Dragon program builds their ability to follow directions, stay on task, and interact with instructors and fellow students in a positive manner. Young students will make mistakes and not always be on task. You may even want to “coach” them from the seating area, but our goal is progressive improvement and not instant perfection. As their focus and self-discipline grow, so will their karate skills.
The best way to see if your child is ready is to try a free introduction class. If a child comes out on the floor, participates, and has fun, then he or she is ready for karate.
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